The Truth About Being An Entrepreneur and a Mother.


The Real Deal About Being a Mom and an Entrepreneur. One word: H A R D.

I don’t want to deter you away from what you’re doing but I want you to know that if you are struggling, feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, guilty, all of the above…know that you are NOT alone.

Motherhood can feel isolating on it’s own, but when you add entrepreneurship it can be a real struggle.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost four years and never in my wildest dreams would I ever have thought this would be the path that I would find myself loving.

Yes, I LOVE IT. I LOVE MY BABIES. And I want them to know that in the midst of all the hard, you can still build a life around what you love doing.

If you’re wanting some help around how to give yourself permission or the space to do the work you were called to do while raising kind beautiful human beings, here are a few tips! YOU GOT THIS MAMA!


I know cliche’ but hear me out. You are not made to be perfect! If you don’t give yourself grace, you are going to live in guilt, shame, defeat, etc. all the time!!! You are doing all that you can. Love your children harder. Love your business harder. And be present when you can. This is going to give you the peace of mind you need to pour into the things that need to get done on your list and the time and attention your kids need when you’re not working.

#2: Identify the most important tasks that NEED to get done: (prioritize what keeps your business running or needs to run).

I know you have a ton of things you WANT to get done, but let’s just stick to the ones that need to get done for the day that’s going to keep your business afloat or your life in tact (mentally, physically, all of the above). Anything else, can get done in pockets of time. You don’t need to get it all done at once!


If I can attest to something that has brought me major success in my business and clarity in my life, it’s investing in a business and marketing strategist! As a mom, I can say without a doubt that I value TIME, ENERGY, AND SPEED. If I want to accomplish things that I set out to do, I want to make sure that I am not hoping, wishing or longing for it, but there are clear action steps that I can take to where I want to be. It’s so easy to get in our own way. Your mind can play so many games on you: imposter syndrome, analysis paralysis, comparison game, ….need I say more?! Talk it out with someone you trust and with someone who understands the journey! Because that is going to allow you to be able to come up with action steps to help you move forward.

And remember…no one can do what you do. No one can be a mother like you can to your kids. And no one can serve your people the way that you do. Motherhood allows us to see that there are so many things to be grateful for. You are sharing this experience with your kids, and I want mine to remember that you can build a life around what you love the most AND be a good mother.

If you’re wanting extra support, feel free to join my Free Marketing with Confidence Facebook Group! This is a great way to get encouragement from other mom entrepreneurs and myself!

You can join here:

See you on the inside! YOU GOT THIS MAMA!