Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated trying to figure out what you should be saying online about your business and you?
Do you find yourself constantly second guessing your social media posts, blogs, sending out emails, because you’re worried you might be too salesy, pushy, not engaging or exciting enough?
Are you confused by how often you should be sharing personal and business insights online?
If you said yes to most of the questions above, don’t worry girl…you are not alone!
I spent almost a year trying to figure out all the marketing components of my business, that I ended up working more on this part and spending less with my ideal clients.
Did you know that getting into the right frame of mind is one of the key components to attracting your ideal clients?
When you can start to share organically and authentically about what you are so passionate about, it seriously starts to resonate with those you wish to serve in your business and in LIFE.
There are just a few things that you can start doing TODAY that will help you get into the right Confident Marketing Mindset that will feel right to you and your followers so you can start creating genuine connections and start creating more things you love in your business and in life.
No one is going to love your business as much as you, if you don’t stop overthinking everything. It’s going to be really hard for people to connect to you and understand your passion if you can’t just let it go. If you’ve been letting fear, limiting beliefs, judgement from others, and other people’s opinions take a hold on you, you’re only delaying your ability to CONNECT and start growing your business.
Don’t think about everyone, THINK ABOUT ONE.
We can’t please everyone. In fact, our business becomes less appealing if we market that it’s for everyone. We start to lose focus if we think about everyone’s needs. I want you to start thinking about ONE. All it takes is one person to start forming immediate connections with that will be able to be your biggest advocate! Focus on a small percentage of people that would benefit from your amazing product or services, and that will help you quiet the noise around you!
3. Believe in what you have to offer!
If you don’t believe in what you have to offer, chances are it’s going to be really difficult and uncomfortable for you to confidently share with others!
If you’re having trouble coming up with a service that would benefit your ideal clients, keep in mind the reasons WHY you started your business in the first place. Think about that one person and what they might need that would make or empower change in their life or business.
And if you already have a product or service and you believe in it 100 percent, then keep in mind the reasons why you feel that way and share it wholeheartedly. It will resonate with your ideal clients when you can talk about the impacts that it has made in your life or business and that of others!
So there you have it! Three things that you can start working on right now that will help you get into the right frame of mind to start marketing your business with confidence! I would love to know if any of these surprised you or resonated with you! Feel free to drop them in the comments below or send me any questions and I’ll be sure to answer!
And if you haven’t already, be sure to download the
FREE SOCIAL MEDIA Marketing Strategy Guide
to creating compelling content and executing it successfully.
Download that FREE HERE: