There comes a turning point in some of our businesses where we get a bright idea to do something out of our comfort zones. We can’t silence those ideas. We can’t ignore the pull to be adventurous, and somewhere somehow it just makes sense. I’m talking about pivoting! It has been exactly one year that I decided to take a major turn in the industry I was working in, to move to a whole new realm. I decided to take a major turn and move into the business and marketing industry from life coaching and counseling new moms. You see I had a degree in the counseling.
I had an educational background and worked in the counseling field for 5 years and it just made sense to stick with what I knew….so why the major change? I saw a gap. I saw the need to serve moms like myself who were passionate about seeking out a new business opportunity, but didn’t have the time or brain capacity to do it because, well motherhood. I did a ton of research. For an entire year, I had surrounded myself with other moms in business and we all had common obstacles that kept us from growing our businesses: TIME, LACK OF CONFIDENCE, AND GUILT.
I experienced it myself first hand, and in the midst of it all saw fellow boss mamas struggling with the same challenges as well. So, I got serious. I hired a business coach to help me make this transition in my business go smoothly, make sense to my followers, but to also instill confidence in the direction that I was heading.
SO you want to know a few tips on how to pivot, when you are feeling so compelled to move a different direction in your business?
Here are THREE TIPS to doing just that!
I don’t know about you, but when I get an idea…I get flooded by a million different what if’s and even more ideas because I’m so excited about the possibilities. We get so bombarded by all the ideas, that we tend to get overwhelmed by how to execute them. It’s super important that you get clear about the industry you’re going to be moving into, how you plan to work with your ideal customers, and how you plan on getting the buzz around your new business move. Once you get clear, your ideal customers will find it easier to comprehend the moves you’re planning to make.
When you’re making new moves in your business, it’s super important that you are very clear on WHO it is that YOU ARE SERVING. If you’re planning to serve everyone, you really are serving no one. I get a lot of new clients that struggle with identifying who they’re ideal customer is, because of fear on missing out on opportunities to make money in their business. The truth is that if you don’t get clear on who it is that you’re serving, you are talking to no one and you get lost in a very saturated industry. Be specific about WHO you’re serving, how you’re going to serve them, and understand what it is that they struggle with so you can be clear about your messaging on how your offerings are what they need right now.
Are you serious about wanting to fast track your results in your business and to start working with your ideal customers right now? Do you want to have a clear action plan and not get overwhelmed by all the ideas, shoulds, or what if’s? Then hiring an expert to help you strategize, plan, get clear, and to execute your new business adventure that makes sense to your ideal customers is going to help you get the results you want. There’s nothing like feeling like your business is taking over, only to have it do so…so hiring an expert to help you get clear, lessen the stress and overwhelm, and to help you execute your new pivot successfully is WORTH it! You’re going to save time and get results faster by doing so!
SO there you have it! These are three things that I did that helped me to successfully pivot in my business and start making 4 figures in my business consistently in 2019!
Do you have any questions or did any of these tips resonate with you? Leave them in the comments below! i would love to help you get clear or support you in any way that I can.
Wishing you all the happy in your business and in life!
Jackie Brooks