There's nothing like spending everyday trying to figure out what to post to gain visibility and engagement from your followers, only to post something that you feel you just posted because you felt pressured to do so. Here's the're not in the game of likes or comments, you're in the business to make money and to do that you need organic engagement from people YOU ultimately want to work with.
It doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to take up hours upon hours to figure out what your dream clients and customers need from you. Content is a way to highlight you as the authority in your industry along and to showcase the value you can add to people's lives. Your content, in my opinion is the most important part of marketing your business. It should speak with clarity to your ideal client and it should give people an understanding of why your business exists and why they should hire YOU over anyone else in your industry. Content is the heart and meat of your marketing strategy and I believe when you can hone in on this component, you can really attract your IDEAL CLIENT.
In this article, I've outlined four different ways and strategy tips to help you create content that will engage and attract your dream clients and customers. If any of these resonated with you, please share them with us in our private
Facebook Community: Marketing with Confidence for Moms in Business
to create the conversations with other boss mamas!
1. Who do you serve?
I get asked all the time why knowing who your dream client matters and it's this...why doesn't it matter? I want to know who she is or he, what they do, where they live, what they like, how old they are, and what experiences they've gone through. All of those things matter. When we can create content specifically for THAT person, it shows YOU as the authority! It's clear to everyone who follows you on social media as to who your business, which will differentiate YOU from a sea of other business owners who claim to do the same as you. Knowing who your dream clients are also allows you to create content that speaks directly to their pain or pleasure points.
The better you can speak to them, the more you'll attract engagement!
There's a misconception that you need to post multiple times a day throughout the week to gain engagement and attraction, and that's not the case. Which is a good thing, because that can take up a ton of time. What really works is CONSISTENCY! People need to know that they can trust that you're going to show up when you say you're going to show up on social media. You need consistency in your messaging, your posts, your photos, your content, as that is what builds trust with your ideal clients/customers. They need to know that when they follow you, they can count on you and they will benefit from doing so! Consistency builds TRUST and a lasting relationships. You might not get the sale right away from someone who follows you right out the gate, but your consistency nurtures those relationships that other business owners lack.
3. Branding Message
Your branding message speaks through your content. Your brand is the experience that you give when people follow you and when people HIRE or BUY from you. It's the simple concept of why you choose Starbucks over the local coffee shop or vice versa. What experiences do you want people to get when they follow you? Give them an experience of what it would look like if they were to hire you. You can do this by providing VALUE in your content. By providing tips, tricks, knowledge, information!!! Your branding message should seep through the words in your content and you can do this by going back to getting clear on WHO it is that you SERVE.
4. What are your solutions?
Your content should ultimately highlight the solutions your business provides which are your products or your services. Everything that your share should ultimately lead back to YOU being the ultimate solution. It doesn't always have to be a paid solution, it could also be a Free Guide, a Free Facebook Group, a Magazine, or a Free Consultation Session. Any of these can be solutions is content! Remember...if you don't talk about your business directly, no one will.
So there you have it! Four different ways that you can create content that is engaging and compelling to start attracting your dream clients and customers. If you'd like a few extra tips or want to get clear on how to create a strategy around your compelling content, I would love to chat with you one on one. You can book a free Marketing Strategy Clarity call where we can figure out the next steps to help you gain visibility for your business.
Wishing you all the happy in your business and in your life,
XOXO Happy Mama,
Jacquelin Brooks