It’s PART 3, of the Marketing Mini Series and the key component that we are addressing is the Importance of Content Creation and Planning.
If it’s one thing I absolutely love, it’s creating content for my ideal client.
Creating content means I get to teach them something.
It gives me the opportunity to share what I’ve learned, so that my ideal clients can implement those things without spending so much time figuring it out by themselves.
In this article, I’ll be sharing how you can do the same for your ideal clients. Before we sell, before we pitch our offerings, we want to make sure that we’re providing valuable content that our ideal clients can benefit the most from.
Whether it’d benefit them in their life or business, we want them to walk away from our content feeling empowered to take action.
There are three things that you can do, to inspire action with your content for your ideal clients that will help you successfully execute this plan every single month in your business.
Have a clear purpose every month.
Each month or quarter you should have a focus or goal that you want to have happen in your business.
Are you promoting a new offering? Do you have a new freebie you’d like to share?
Choose a focus that you’d like to set your efforts in for your business that month and start working backwards by figuring out what types of topics you can cover in that month that will align with what that offering teaches your ideal client.
Breakdown offerings, freebies, promos, launches, themes teach your ideal client and use that as topics.
Now is the time to create content topics for the month that will align with your goal. Breakdown your offerings, freebies, promos, themes, into snippets of value that your offerings provide your ideal clients.
This is going to help you build a KNOW, LIKE, AND TRUST factor because you’ll be warming up your audience as you begin to prepare them for when it comes time to sell.
Once you’ve broken down ideas for valuable content topics that you can teach your ideal clients that will point them back to your offerings, think about when and how often you can show up online in a very consistent way.
Share it with CONSISTENCY!
This is the part where you start taking action. I want you to write down all of the places that you are showing up online and on social media.
Do you have a blog, email list, are you on Twitter, Pinterest, etc.?
Write all of them down and figure out on all of those platforms how often you can show up to share your content.
It’s not about how many times a day you’re showing up, it’s about showing up with consistency and with purpose.
Think of a realistic number of times that you can show up on each platform and try doing it consistently for a month. Like I said before, this is crucial in how you’re building that KNOW, LIKE, AND TRUST factor so you’re creating meaningful connections with those your business seeks to serve.
You’re also going to want to think about how your ideal client views and values your content.
So keep experimenting on social media and how often they are reading your blog or listening to your podcast or reading your newsletters.
So there you have it! Those are the three components of how you can start creating and planning valuable content that will get your business seen by your dream customers! I am hoping these tips have helped you and I would love to know if any of these resonated with you. Please share them with me in the comments below! It would mean so much to hear from you.
And if you haven’t already, be sure to download your
to help you start taking and implementing these strategies for your dream customers!
Wishing you all the happy in your business and in life friend!
Jacquelin Brooks