How to Identify Your Dream Client/Customer and Why


I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all heard business and marketing coaches talk about the number one topic and the importance of defining who your dream client and customer is. And you know what? There’s a lot of truth and significance to how critical this can really be when it comes to marketing and speaking with intent about the mission behind your business.

So the question is why? Why can’t our business serve everyone?

The truth is that it doesn’t make you stand out. It doesn’t showcase your expertise in a world where there are so many similar businesses as yours and mine.

Identifying your ideal client also shows empathy and understanding. It shows that you care enough to create content that resonates with them.

Defining your ideal client allows you to speak with clarity in the content you create to market. You are able to clearly identify the challenges they’ve gone through and give them solutions that are realistic and attainable.

It also showcases authority in your industry. There are too many of us in the business world, but when you are specific enough and speak to a small audience with focus and purpose, you’re able to attract more customers in your business.

Be bold enough to define who your business is for and ignore the others. I know it can be scary to focus your energy and attention to one small viable group, but the truth is that when you do that you’re attracting more into your business.

So the question becomes, HOW do I define my client and customer? This can be really difficult for us who are starting in business or trying to pivot in a way that will gain more traction and visibility amongst others because we want to serve everyone. it doesn’t have to be difficult.

There are three different ways that you can start clearly defining your ideal client that will help you create content more seamlessly, that will also become more purpose driven.

  1. Take inventory of who is following you on social media.

    What I love about marketing online, is that you are able to gain immediate analytical results. Once you post something, you’re able to gain information from your followers and others online within 10 seconds of posting something. You can also take note of who is following you, by simply going to your followers and friends list. It’s important to spend a little bit of time getting to know who’s following you so you can understand who your content resonates the most with.

  2. Who can you speak to the most?

    I think it’s important to note that social media is for creating social conversations. I want you to think about who you feel like you can clearly speak to the most and serve with purpose. Now that you have taken note on who’s following you, I want you to think about why they follow you and if you’re able to create genuine conversations with them that will spark: interest, trust, likeability, and expertise with the knowledge that you know and are able to provide. This is the scariest part for most new business owners as we feel like maybe our products and services can serve a variety of people from different backgrounds. We also are afraid of missing out on opportunity and ignoring everyone else, seems well selfish. The truth is you want to be able to feel comfortable, confident, and honest enough in the value you have to share. People can smell if something is not genuine right away. Think about the people you follow on social media that you really enjoy following. What types of things are they saying that resonate deeply with YOU? Does it come off natural? DO they share things that are valuable, informative, and enriching that only you can understand? Answering these types of questions is going to help you make a stake in the game of who your business is meant to serve.

  3. List all of the traits and attributes of your Dream Customer that you can think of! The more specific, the better!

    Now that you know who you’d like to serve, we have to get SPECIFIC. Yep! it’s not enough to say you serve busy women, or men. We have to be clear enough for people to talk about us to their friends and family. We have to make a stake and claim in the game of the WHO our business is meant for if we want to show authority and expertise in our industry. And yes, defining the very specifics will do that. Not to mention, this is going to help you create seamless and meaningful content for your business!

    Take a moment to answer the following questions: Is your dream client male or female? Are they married and do they have children? If so, how many and how long have they been married? What are their likes and dislikes? Goals and aspirations, and more specifically what types of problems do they have in their lives? DO they have a business? Do they want to start a business? What type of dream life do they aspire to have?

    Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ve created your dream customer profile! Being able to identify clearly will help you create intentional and meaningful client that will help you begin to attract dreamy customers.

So there you have it! Three steps to identifying who your dream client is. If this helped you in any way, please let me know in the chat box below! I would love to hear if you were able to clearly define your dream client and who that person is!

And if you’d like me to walk you through the process personally and want more clarity around how to do that with ease, then let’s chat! I offer free marketing clarity calls to give you focused and actionable steps that will help you identify your dream customer with ease. To book that free call, simply click the link: at a time that’s convenient for you!

Wishing you all the best and happy in your business and in life!

XOXO Happy Mama,

Jackie Brooks
