If you’re a boss mama, you know that life, motherhood, and business can be quite the juggling act. Let’s be real, there are days when we’re just trying to keep all the humans alive and oh yea…ourselves. But yet, there’s this passion led business we created that honestly gives us pure joy and excitement. So how can we market our businesses, run it, and motherhood?
In this article, I outline how you can save time marketing your business with the right content strategy so you can pour back into all the other things in your life or business.
There are three things to consider when you’re creating content and a strategy to couple it.
What’s your focus or goal for the month?
This is how you drive intent for the entire month, week, and day of the month by choosing what you want to focus in on your business. This can be a freebie, a new service/launch, connections, growing your email list, etc, whatever you choose, the focus should give you guidance on what you should cover to drive people to that goal.
Create a bank of content topics
A content bank is a list of topics that you can educate your followers (potential customers) that will highlight that focus for the month. Creating a content bank of topics will not only help you gain clarity and direction, but doing so will also position you and your business as a major resource in your industry. I recommend creating a list of 4-5 topics that you can focus on each week that encompasses what your goal is for the month.
3. Plan
Now it’s time to plan. Here are some things to consider as you plan and strategize the content you’ve created for your business. What platforms do you utilize to market your business? I recommend choosing one main way to share your content so that it lives online as the main resource for people to turn to. I see social media posts as little snippets and nuggets of information that you share about you and your business, but a blog post, video, your photos, or your podcasts are where people can refer back to as they learn more about you as the main resource.
Now, choose a realistic a number that you can produce fresh content for that blog, video, etc. From there you can use that as a way to share snippets of information on social media.
Each day that you decide to post on social media, should have a focus. Whether you want to talk about your business directly, share a tip from your blog, some insight or inspiration! Create a realistic approach when you plan out your content, because the main goal is to create consistency which ultimately leads to VISIBILITY.
So there you have it! I would love to know what types of content your creating for this month and if any of these tips helped you gain more clarity around what to do in your business, I’d love to know! Leave me a comment below and tell me some of the things that you’re working on or any takeaways from this article.
And if you’d like to create and maintain a marketing strategy around your growing business and busy life, then let’s chat! I offer clarity calls that can give you some guidance and understanding of what to do next! Simply click the link here: https://calendly.com/jacquelinsbrooks/marketing_clarity_call to schedule a call that’s convenient for you.
Wishing you all the happy in your business and in life!
XOXO Happy Mama,
Jackie Brooks