Hey lovely!
Have you been wondering what to do on social media and feel like there’s so much information about how to market your business, but want simple tips to get the job done?
Don’t worry, because I’m sharing my 5 best social media marketing tips that you can implement immediately!
Post when you can and do it CONSISTENTLY.
The number one question I get asked often is, “How many times a week should I be posting on social media?” The answer lies with who your followers are and what they engage with you the most. It’s also important to take note that the most important part of posting is posting with intention and with consistency. Posting with intention requires you to take your followers on a journey behind who you are, what you do, and the value you can provide for your followers to benefit from. Consistency shows trust. Consistency also boosts your visibility in a way that will get you and your business discovered.
BE SOCIAL! It’s called SOCIAL MEDIA for a reason!
Be engaging with your followers!! The whole point of social media is to create conversations with potential clients. You don’t just pitch a sale immediately on the first date! No! You get to know one another, you discover their likes, interests, etc. And you give more than you ask for! Start by going through your followers and giving feedback on recent posts of theirs so they can get to know you more!
Share Value! Let’s show off your expertise!
In my previous tip, I mentioned you don’t just pitch a sale to someone you don’t know. It’s one of the biggest mistakes and turn offs we can make as business owners. Especially on social media. So what do you do? Talk about your business indirectly by sharing value and educating your followers on things that will BENEFIT them in their own life or business. Give value! GO live and share tips and practical things that your dream customers would appreciate. Show up in a way that will highlight your expertise and authority in your industry!
Create a simple and straight forward Bio.
Let’s not overcomplicate creating a bio for social media. I used to think that being cute and clever was the way to draw people in to what I do…but then I forgot to state what it is that I actually do, and so how can people buy, like, comment, or follow me if they don’t know exactly how they can benefit from doing so? Your bio should be something that others can clearly communicate to their friends and family what your business is for, who it’s for, what you do, and the services you can provide. It should also align with the content you share on social media. The more clear, concise, and specific you are, THE BETTER!
Having a Plan does save TIME.
I can’t tell you how confusing it was for me to post on social media when I first started my business two years ago. It would take me forever or even a full day to figure out the right caption for my photos, the right photos, and to create content that would drive my dream clients to know me more. Having a clear plan for every month is going to inspire great content that will attract followers more and help you run your business just that much more seamless.
SO there you have it! My TOP 5 Best Tips to help you show up on social media in the best way possible. These are tips that I wish I could have told myself two years ago, and so I’m hoping this helps you create the best content to attract your dream clients.
If any of these tips resonated with you, please let me know and leave a comment below! And if you’re needing more clarity around how to show up on social media to market your business with ease, let’s connect! I offer free marketing clarity calls to help you gain confidence you need to take actionable steps in marketing your business on social.
You can sign up for that free call by clicking the link here https://calendly.com/jacquelinsbrooks/marketing_clarity_call
and booking a time that’s convenient for you!
Here’s to success and happiness in your business and in life!
Jackie Brooks