4 Time Saving Strategies to Help You Market Your Business on Social Media


Have you ever felt like marketing your business, especially on social media can take up so much....TIME?


It's super easy to get distracted by all of the noise of what everyone in your industry is doing or worse....the Instagram Rabbit Hole. Not to mention, how do I caption this photo and what photo should I even choose?! Don't even get me started on the amount of #hashtags I have to add.

Yep, I get it!

My first year of business, I was trying to figure out all of those things. Gripping onto having to be on social media all the time to check on my posts, responses, and oh yea actually posting!

So needless to say, I get it girl!

Here are three ways you can start shaving off some time spinning your wheels figuring out what to do when it comes to marketing your biz on social.


You don't need to do all the things. Keep yourself on a time and know what you're doing before you start doing it. Is it engaging, posting a few Instagram stories, or sending a DM? And don't worry about what everyone else is doing....focus on your mission.

2. PLAN.

There’s nothing worse than figuring out all the things on the day of. Life happens and business can change. There’s always something to do in both our lives and business and the best way to show up and be seen, is to plan ahead. Where do you want your audience to go? Which products and services do you want to highlight? Answering these questions will help you save time, stay less distracted, focus on your goals, and be confident in what you have to offer your ideal client.


When you know who you're talking to, the flow of your copy comes out so naturally and you won't have to spend so much time figuring out everyone's needs and wants. Get so specific and clear, that the one person you're focusing on notices your empathy and your clarity! When you're clear, you save so much time because you're not focusing on grabbing everyone's attention! The more specific you can get, the better!


If you're looking to get on the fastest track or want some clarity, this will save you so much time. Having someone guide and coach you through the unknowns is beneficial for the business owner looking to gain traction and momentum and ultimately save time! So whether it be an online course, a membership, or a one on one coaching program, either of those can bring you the accountability, support, clarity you need to help you save time running your business.

So there you have it! Were any of these helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below!

And if you’re struggling to save time in your business, I can help.

I would love to bring you some clarity if you’ve been struggling and feeling overwhelmed by where to start when it comes to marketing your business on social media. It would be such an honor to chat with you 1:1.

To schedule a time to do so, click the link here: https://calendly.com/jacquelinsbrooks/marketing_clarity_call to schedule a time that’s convenient for you.
